Eric Schmidt Interview: Google is ‘Unlikely’ to buy Twitter

In this interview with Eric Schmidt, Charlie Rose asks the Google CEO a range of questions, from the origins of Google’s advertising model, to the monetization of YouTube, to whether the search giant would consider buying Twitter.

The interviewer turned to the concept of the digital divide, and the role technology companies have played to bridge the gap. Schmidt pointed out that, “In our lifetimes, we’re going from almost no one being able to communicate, to almost everyone being able to communicate. We’re also going from almost no one having information and any kind of access to libraries, to virtually everyone having access to every piece of information in the world. That is an enormous accomplishment for humanity. ”

Schmidt describes the future of mobile search, giving an example of how someone interested in history, walking down a street in New York could be delivered a “narrative stream that’s highly personal and highly entertaining.” He added, “Why can’t my phone generate the searches I should have been asking [based on my interests]?”

TechCrunch has posted a complete transcript of the 56-minute interview here.

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