Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has provided inspiration to countless numbers of people since it was released over two decades ago. The seventh and final habit in the book focuses on continuous improvement, what Covey calls “sharpening the saw”.
What are the best ways for marketers to build and sustain their own expertise? Which books, which blogs, and which conferences, and which individuals drive us towards excellence?
Join us this Thursday for our next #B2Bchat event where we dive into these questions.
Q. What is the best marketing-related book you’ve read recently?
Q. Name a blog that you regularly draw inspiration from.
Q. Have you encouraged professional development for people you lead? What is your approach?
Q. What role can mentors play in a marketers’ professional development?
Q. How has social media changed the way marketers learn?
These are all GREAT questions and if tonight’s #B2Bchat draws the high-caliber B2B braniacs & maniacs it usually does, I can’t wait to see everyone’s answers. This will be a #B2Bchat transcript to save for sure.
Soooo… did you guys save a transcript? If so, would love to discover their answers – to better sharpen my saw, too. 🙂
Hi Cathy, here’s the transcript!