During the course of a week, I’ll scan hundreds of tweets, receive dozens of newsletters and flip through numerous blog posts. Here are a few which I think you’ll enjoy.
1. What if Google had to design their user interface for Google?
Not brand new, but nevertheless a good laugh and SEO 101 lesson for any search marketer! How would you apply SEO best practices to the Google home page? Here the author demonstrates cross linking, fresh content, social bookmarking, reinforcing with keyword content, and a keyword-rich URL for Google’s search page.
Brilliantly designed for their target market, Omniture scores big with this new ‘Pick the Winner’ campaign. Step up to the vintage arcade machine and try your hand at guessing the correct results to A/B tests. How high did you score?
3. The Impact of Google’s Social Search
Jeremiah Owyang weighs in on how Google’s Social Search will change web strategy.
4. The Complete Guide to Google Wave
A little over a month after Google Wave was released in limited numbers to the public, the first Google Wave guide book has come out. It’s long, detailed and thorough. And the online version is completely free.
5. The 10 Best Leadership Books of All Time
A Washington Post article that presents a list of top leadership books, according to Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten.